
On December 1, 2021, we will enter into a business alliance with Impact Co., Ltd.(President; Shinji Hasegawa; Location; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter referred to as “Impact”), a renewable energy refining company, for the business of developing and selling waste-derived biomass fuel.

1. Reason for the Business Alliance
Our company’s founding philosophy is “Aiming to realize a sustainable society, we will contribute to society from a global perspective.”Based on this philosophy, we have been engaged in the business of refining biomass fuel from waste tire chips (recycling industrial waste) in Chiba Prefecture in cooperation with Impact.
In recent years, not only waste tires but also various other waste materials and plant-derived biomass fuels have been attracting attention as we work toward the realization of a “decarbonized society. We have been considering the development of research and development and the establishment of a business structure as one of our important management issues, based on the commercialization of the waste tire chip refining business, in order to tackle a new business.
Impact, led by President Hasegawa, possesses proprietary technology for refining biomass fuels from various waste materials. It is also an R&D-oriented company with a proven track record in the development of numerous renewable energy sources.
By forming a business alliance with Hasegawa, we will complement our research and development of biomass fuels and contribute to solving new social issues as quickly as possible.

2. Details of the Business Alliance
Our company hopes to increase its competitive advantage in the market by commercializing Impact’s waste-derived fuel technology, linking it to Our company’s overseas network, and quickly developing global operations.

3. Outline of Business Alliance Partner
Company name: Impact Co., Ltd.
Location: 3-22 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Name and title of representative: Shinji Hasegawa, Representative Director
Business: Renewable energy fuel refinery plant business, microbubble/nano bubble business, MSE mixer business